پاکستان کے سربراہِ مملکت کےآئینی اختیارات:اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ



  • Muhammad Jawad Qadir MPhil Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Abid Raza Mehdi MPhil Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.


Quran, Sunnah, Head of State, Constitution of Pakistan, Parliament, National Affairs


For any nation, the position of head of state is crucial. This is the head, which significantly impacts all national affairs. He is in charge of fostering national growth. According to all schools of thought, the head of state should conduct all affairs in conformity with the nation's constitution. The fundamental element for each is the power the Constitution and the law allow them. The country's parliament approves all of the powers given to the head of state. A majority of people in Pakistan are Muslims. According to the preamble of Pakistan's constitution, all laws must adhere to the Qur'an and Sunnah. However, we can see from history that many decisions were made illegally, violating the Constitution and the law. Therefore, it became imperative to bring all governmental authority in Islamic doctrine to light. This study compares the head of state's authority in Pakistan's Constitution to Islamic principles.


Constitution of the Islamic republic of Pakistan [As amended up to 31st May, 2018],Article 41, clause 1

Ibid, Article 41, Clause 3

Ibid , Article 43, Clause 1-2

Ibid, Article 48, Clause 1-2,4

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Article 89, Clause 1-3

مبارک پوری،صفی الرّحمٰن،الرحیق المختوم،المکتبہ السلفیہ لاہور،2002ء،ص257-255

Mubarak Poori, Safi-ur-Rehman, Al-Rahiq ul Makhtum, Al Maktaba al salfiyah, 2002, pg. 255-257

ایضاًء،ص256 Ibid, p.g 256

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan , Article 56, Clause 1-4

ابن خلدون،عبدالرحمٰن،تاریخ ابن خلدون،نفیس اکیڈمی کراچی،2003ء،ج1،ص72

Ibn-a-Khaldun, Abdul Rahman, Tareek Ibn-a-Khaldun, Nafees Academy Karachi,2003,Vol.1, pg. 72

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Article 46

شبلی نعمانی،سیدسلیمان ندوی،سیرۃ النبیﷺ، مکتبہ اسلامیہ لاہور،2012ء ،ج1،ص225

Shibli Naumani, Syed Suleman Nadvi, Seerat-ul-Nabi, Maktaba Islamia Lahore, 2012, Vol 1, pg. 225

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Article 75, Clause1-3

ڈاکٹرطاہرالقادری،دہشت گردی اورفتنہ خوارج،منہاج القرآن پبلیکیشنزلاہور،2010ء،ص216

Tahir ul Qadri, Dahshat Gardi aur Fitna Khawarij, Minhaj ul Quran Publications Lahore, 2010, pg. 216

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Article 232, Clause 1

Ibid, Clause 6

محمدحسیب،سیرت حضرت سیدناعلی المرتضیٰ ،اکبربک سیلرزلاہور،س-ن،ص119-117

Muhammad Haseeb, Seerat Ali ul Murtaza (R.A), Akbar Book Saler Lahore, n.d , pg. 117-119

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Article 235, clause 1-3

شبلی نعمانی،سیدسلیمان ندوی،سیرۃ النبیﷺ،ج1،ص374-373

Shibli Naumani, Syed Suleman Nadvi, Seerat-ul-Nabi, Vol 1, pg. 373-374

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Article 233, clause 2

بخاری،محمدبن اسماعیل،الجامع المسندالصحیح المختصرمن اموررسول اللہﷺوسننہ وایامہ،مترجم:محمدداؤد،کتاب احادیث الانبیاء،باب ۔۔۔،مرکزی جمعیت اہل حدیث ہند،2004ء،ج5،ص21،حدیث نمبر3473

Bukhari, Muhammad bin Ismail, Sahi Bukhari, Translator: Muhammad Dawood, Markazi Jamiat Ahail Hadees Hind, 2004, Vol 5. Pg. 21, Hadith no: 3473

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Article 243, clause 1-4

محمدبن اسحاق،عبدالملک بن ہشام،سیرت النبی ابن ہشام،مترجم:یسین علی حسنی،ادارہ اسلامیات لاہور،1998ء،ص83-82

Muhammad bin Ishaq, Abdul Malik bin Hasham, Seerat ul Nabi ibn Hasham, Translator: Yaseen Ali Hassani, Idara Islamiat Lahore, 1998, pg. 82-83

شبلی نعمانی،سیدسلیمان ندوی،سیرۃ النبیﷺ،ج1،ص268

Shibli Naumani, Syed Suleman Nadvi, Seerat-ul-Nabi, Vol 1, pg. 268

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Article 45

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Nasai, Ahmad bin Shoaib, Sunan Nasai, Translator: Khursheed Hassan, Maktaba Al ilm Lahore. n.d, Vol 3, pg. 426, Hadith no. 4885

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Article 259,clause 1-2

علی متقی بن حسام الدین،کنزالعمال فی سنن الاقوال والافعال،کتاب الفضائل من قسم الافعال وفیہ عشرۃ ابواب،باب فی فضائل الصحابۃ اجمعین،دارالاشاعت اردوبازارکراچی،2009ء،ج6(حصہ12-11)،ص289،حدیث نمبر32961

Ali Mataqi bin Hassam ul din, Kanz ul amaal fee sunan Al Aqwal, Dar-ul-Ishat Urdu Bazar Karachi, 2009, Vol 6(Part 11-12), pg. 289, Hadith no: 32961

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Article 101, clause 1-5

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Hambal, Ahmad bin Muhammad, Masnad Imam Ahmad bin Hambal, Translator: Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Maktaba Rehmania, n.d, Vol 10, pg. 337, Hadith no: 22357

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Al Mawardi, Ali bin Muhammad, Al Ahkam ul sultania, Translator: Sajid ur Rehman Saddique, Islamic publications Private limited Lahore, 1990, pg. 61

ایضاًء،ص45I Ibid, pg. 145

ایضاًء،ص12-11 Ibid, pg. 11-12

ایضاًء،ص46 Ibid, pg. 46

http://library.ahnafmedia.com/130-faqeeh/year/sep/252-hazrat-maaz-bin-jabl-rzi-allah-hno,Accessed July 8th,2021

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Article 248,clause 1-4

مجاہد،عبدالمالک،سنہری فیصلے،دارالسلام لاہور،1428ھ،ص26-25

Mujahid, Abdul Malik, Sonehri Faisly, Dar ul Islam Lahore, 1428 AH, pg. 25-26

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Ibn-a-Maja, Muhammad bin Yazeed, Sunan Ibn-a-Maja, Translator: Muhammad Qasim Ameen, Maktaba Al ilmia, Lahore, n.d, Vol.1, pg.73,Hadith no:118

مجاہد،عبدالمالک،سنہری فیصلے،ص26 Mujahid, Abdul Malik, Sonehri Faisly,pg.26

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Article 176

Ibid, Article 177, Clause 1-2

Ibid, Article 192, clause 1

Ibid, Article 193,clause 1-3

Ibid, Article 203C, clause 1-3A

Ibid, Article 203D, Clause 1

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Anwar Hassan Saddique, Hukmarano ky ley Roshni ka minar: Hazrat Umar Fariooq ka ahad zareen

https://www.pat.com.pk/urdu/Articles/page/6, Accessed July 8th,2021

شبلی نعمانی،الفاروق،دارالاشاعت کراچی،1991ء،ص216

Shibli Naumani, Al- Farooq, Dar ul ishat Karachi, 1991, pg. 216

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Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Article 153, clause 1-4

شبلی نعمانی،الفاروق،ص192 Shibli Naumani, Al- Farooq, pg. 192

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Article 228 ,clause 1-6

Ibid, Article 229

03 Urdu Final July Dec 2023 Vol 03 Issue 02 Citation Page




How to Cite

Qadir, M. J., & Raza Mehdi, M. A. (2023). پاکستان کے سربراہِ مملکت کےآئینی اختیارات:اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ: CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS OF THE HEAD OF STATE OF PAKISTAN: AN ANALYTICAL STUDY IN THE LIGHT OF ISLAMIC TEACHINGS. PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS (An International Journal of Islamic & Social Sciences), 3(2), 31–56. Retrieved from http://pakistanislamicus.com/index.php/home/article/view/81