Social Inclusion, Rights Based Approach, Persons with DisabilitiesAbstract
Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) are considered the most vulnerable and less included part of society. Being the signatory of the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), it is obligatory for the Government of Pakistan to ensure their rights for their inclusion in the mainstream. This paper focuses to know the extent of social inclusion of PWDs in the context of the rights-based approach that emerged after the enactment of UNCRPD. The respondents were physically and visually impaired, both male and female, belonging to the age group 18-42 and presently engaged in employment either government, private and self within the territorial boundaries of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. In the present study, the gender of the respondents, their age, their marital status, their family income, their level of disability, their level of education, their residential background and the total number of PWDs in their family were independent variables, while social inclusion with respect to the right of education, health, employment, cultural, recreational, political participation, social protection and accessibility was the dependent variable. Bivariate analysis was carried out by using Chi-Square and Somer’s D tests to know the association between dependent and independent variables. The results reflected more inclusion of persons with disabilities who were male, married, residing in urban areas, had mild levels of disabilities and had higher family income.
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