
  • Babar Ali Department of Law, Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
  • Dr Tansif Ur Rehman Department of Law, Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
  • Nizam Udin Department of Law, Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
  • Dr Sajida Perveen Professor, College of Management Sciences, PAF KIET, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
  • Dr Muhammad Ahad Yar Khan Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Jinnah Government College, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.


Gender Discrimination, Judicial Bias, Legal Profession, Patriarchy, Pakistan.


Gender discrimination in Pakistan's legal field reflects the wider societal challenges women face due to entrenched patriarchy and cultural biases. Women are significantly underrepresented in senior legal roles, including judgeships, and often face barriers such as workplace harassment, pay disparities, and limited career advancement. Deep-rooted social norms discourage women from pursuing legal careers, viewing them as incompatible with traditional gender roles. Female lawyers often work in a male-dominated environment where gender discrimination and harassment are normalized, making it difficult for them to progress professionally. Moreover, in legal proceedings, women’s testimonies are frequently undervalued, particularly in cases related to family law. Although Pakistan has laws to address gender inequality, implementation remains weak, and structural changes are necessary to promote equal opportunities for women in the legal profession. Addressing these disparities is crucial for improving gender equality in the legal sector.


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05 Eng Final October December 2024 Vol 04 Issue 04 Citation Page




How to Cite

Babar Ali, Tansif Ur Rehman, Nizam Udin, Sajida Perveen, & Muhammad Ahad Yar Khan. (2024). GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN THE LEGAL FIELD IN PAKISTAN. PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS (An International Journal of Islamic & Social Sciences), 4(04), 35–43. Retrieved from