Guidelines for Authors
The Research Journal “PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS” seeks to publish articles that explore, identify, extend and unify Islamic Studies, i.e. Qur’an, Sunnah, Islamic history, Seerah of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ), Islamic Jurisprudence, Jurisprudence of Islamic Economics (Finance & Banking), Tasawwuf, Islamic Thoughts from Social and Cultural Perspectives, Social and Ethical Issues, Contemporary Challenges, Comparative Studies of Religions and Arabic Literature Research. “PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS” welcomes all the research papers having strong potential and significance to Islam and Social Sciences.
Manuscript Submission
The authors are requested to submit a well-researched and original paper with a length of 5000–7000 words, including references. The paper must contain an abstract of 250 words, including Keywords. The titles of Arabic and Urdu articles are to be translated into the English Language as well.
The article's first page should contain the title of the research paper, the name of the author (s), designation, institution affiliation, and contact details.
All the articles must be composed in MS Word; however, Font for English Articles; Palatino Linotype for Arabic Articles; Sakkal Majalla and for Urdu Articles; Jameel Noori Nastaleeq.
General Requirements
An article should be typed on letter-size paper (21.59-27.94) with at least 3.5cm margins on all sides. The font size of title headings should be for English Articles 16 Bold, sub-headings, and the main body of text 11.5; however, the font size for references is 10. For Arabic and Urdu articles, the main headings are 18 Bold, sub-headings, the main body of text 13, and for references, the font size is 11.
Paper includes:
Title page,
Literature review,
The Research Journal “PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS” prefers a critical and analytical academic approach by providing a literature review of the research.
Results and Conclusions,
The transliteration of all references to non-English terminology has to be done by the author according to the PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS transliteration table. All articles' references should be inserted as Endnotes.
English article references should be APA 7th Edition in-text citations inserted as Endnotes. The details of the style can be observed on Sample Student Paper (APA 7th edition)
Urdu & Arabic references should be numbered consecutively throughout and appear as endnotes in the Chicago Manual of Style. The details of the style can be observed on
- Al-Qur’ān, 1: 5.
- Muhammad Ibn ‘Umar Al Rāzī, Mafātīḥ-ul-Ghayb, (Beirūt: Mu’assasat Al Risālah, 3rd Edition, 1420 H), Vol. 4, p. 122.
- Abū ‘Īsā Muhammad Ibn ‘Īsā Al-Tirmazī, Sunan Al-Tirmadhī, Kitāb Al-Ahkām ‘An Rasulillah ﷺ, Bāb Mā Ja’a Fī Ann al-Bayyinatu ‘Alā Al-Mudda‘ī Wa Al-Yamīno ‘ala al-Mudda‘ā ‘Alayhe. Hadith No. 1261.
- H.A.R. Gibb, J. H. Karamers and others, The Encyclopedia of Islam, (Leiden: E. J. Brill & London: Luzac & Co., 1960), s.v. “Shahādah.”
- Abdin Chande, “Symbolism and Allegory in the Qur’ān: Muhammad Asad’s Modernist Translation”, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relation, Vol. 15, (2004), pp. 79-80.
Submit your manuscript online after you register and log in on OJS.
Please do not send your article via email. Only submitted articles will be processed.
The articles are blind peer-reviewed by experts before publication. However, the Editorial Board reserves the right to exclude the paper without showing cause. The decision of the Editorial Board will be exclusive to the publication of the article.
The research paper must comprise an original and unpublished work and must not be against the fundamentals and injunctions of Islam. It is expected that the research paper sent to “PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS” is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The article submitted for publication must be without plagiarism. The author has to submit the article along with a similarity index report, and he/she will be legally responsible for any objection and legal proceedings in this regard.
The Editorial Board does not necessarily agree with the author's views and cannot be held responsible for any statement, comment, or information.
Hafiz Muhammad Usman
Cell: +92 336 865 5559 +92 344 444 0024