
  • Khawaja Asif Mehmood Assistant Professor of Economics, School of Economics, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.


Economic Uncertainty, GDP Growth, Poverty, Unemployment, Pakistan


Purpose: This study is initiated to inquire into the impact of economic uncertainty on the key macroeconomic indicators for instance GDP growth, poverty, and unemployment of Pakistan. For the analysis, the time series data was used from 1972 to 2024.

Methodology: For the purpose of regression analyses, Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) technique is used. Also, Granger Causality test is incorporated to observe causality between the selected variables.

Novelty: This study is novel since it addresses the interconnected macroeconomic issues in varied framework. This research explores the dynamic relationship of these macroeconomic variables against economic uncertainty.

Findings: The results identify long-term relationship between economic uncertainty and these macroeconomic variables. The findings show that GDP growth and economic uncertainty are negatively related. However, poverty and unemployment are traced as increasing at the back of economic uncertainty in both time horizons.

Implications: The findings highlight persistent challenge on Pakistan to bring policy reforms to mitigate the adverse effects of economic uncertainty.


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