تصوف و سلوک میں نسبت ِرسالت مآب ﷺ کی اہمیت اور اثرات :تحقیقی مطالعہ



  • Dr Saeed Ahmad Saeedi Associate Professor, Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Hafiz Ghulam Yasin Research Associate، Al-Idrak Research Centre, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.


Sufism & Spiritual Purification, Islam, Quran & Sunnah, Proximity to God, Mystical Tradition


This article delves into the core tenets and objectives of Sufism, drawing from the perspectives of renowned classical and contemporary scholars. The significance of the article lies in the fact that it elucidates the multifaceted meanings of Sufism, through an examination of classical texts and scholarly interpretations, ranging from the purification of the inner being to the attainment of spiritual virtues while forsaking reprehensible attributes.

The central theme of Sufism is that it is inherently intertwined with the purification of souls, with its essence deeply rooted in the adherence to the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The discourse emphasizes that authentic Sufism is characterized by a profound connection to the Prophet, serving as a conduit for spiritual elevation and divine proximity. The article provides Insights from luminaries such as Data Ganj Bakhsh, Imam Ghazali, and Allama Iqbal contributing to a comprehensive understanding of Sufism's significance and relevance across centuries. Furthermore, the article underscores Sufism's overarching objective of fostering a society grounded in piety, morality, and adherence to the teachings of Islam. It delineates Sufism's role in promoting Jihad, not in the conventional sense of armed conflict, but as a relentless pursuit of spiritual excellence and the dissemination of religious teachings.


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How to Cite

Dr Saeed Ahmad Saeedi, & Hafiz Ghulam Yasin. (2024). تصوف و سلوک میں نسبت ِرسالت مآب ﷺ کی اہمیت اور اثرات :تحقیقی مطالعہ: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) IN SUFISM: A RESEARCH STUDY. PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS (An International Journal of Islamic & Social Sciences), 4(02), 59–69. Retrieved from https://pakistanislamicus.com/index.php/home/article/view/138